Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cast Study Ban on Shark Fin Soup

Case Study – Banning of Shark fin soup in Jade Restaurant. The refusal of not banning shark fin soup at Jade Restaurant can affect many stakeholders. This includes the owner/shareholder, suppliers, special interest groups (SIGS), customers, and also the government. The owners and shareholders are definitely going to be affected because if the ban were to go through they would lost a portion of the profit that they would’ve earned if it weren’t for the ban. The suppliers are obviously going to be affected as well if the ban gets through, as they will not be able to supply the restaurant with shark fins, therefore their profit will go down.They would’ve lost a trade partner or maybe have to find a new one. Special interest groups, especially the pressure groups will rejoice because they have accomplished their goal in banning shark fin soup in the city. Another external stakeholder that is affected is the customers. They are partly why activists groups are b anning shark fin soup, because there are so many people buying it. Customers who originally come to Jade Restaurant for their shark fin soup will be disappointed. They may have to travel very far to eat shark fin soup and even may have to do it illegally.Lastly, the government will be affected if this ban does get through. The government is in charge of passing the law. If activist group gets enough attention and influence from the general public then the municipal government will have to act upon the public’s interest and introduce a bill. There are many conflicts that arise in this situation. For one, if the ban does not get pass and the owner decides to continue the shark fin soup business then the activist groups may lobby and give a bad name to Jade Restaurant. This may persuade customers to not eat there, even if they are not going there for shark fin soup anyway.Their name could be soiled by the media, which in this case, is spread through the activist groups. Stakehol der Map| Low Power| High Power| Low Interest| Customers| Municipal Government| High Interest| Pressure Groups| Shareholders| It would be wise to pay attention to the shareholders as they are the ones keeping the business running with their investments. Next, we should keep the government informed on such matters because we do not want the government to shut down our business. We should keep pressure groups satisfied because they are the ones who really have a voice that can influence what the general public thinks.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

John Locke vs. Thomas Hobbes Essay

During the seventeenth century, Great Britain produced Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, two of the greatest political philosophers of all times. Both men are known for their great philosophical ideas that help to explain the role of government in man’s life. Their explanations are based on the description of their understanding of man’s state of nature. While both men do have opposite views on many of their political arguments, the fact that they are able to structure the essence of their conflicting ideologies in to the shell of what they define as the state of man in nature, is the link that relates them to each other. Both man share there desire in an establishment that provides order to ensure not only the protection of the individual, but also the security of the state. In Hobbes philosophy, the state of nature is a very unwelcoming, dull place. His theory is that individuals in their true nature are guided by their innate primal, animalistic instincts, rather then reason. Hobbes’ concept of the state of nature is based on his believe that morality such as the ideas of good and evil do not exist in tis state. He claims that with out guidance, man will use any power at his deposal, to defend his life and positions. In his book Leviathan, Hobbes describes this condition as war, in other words, it is every one against every one. (Hobbes) In addition, he depicted the state of nature as a state in which individuals are without any of the benefits that are taken for granted in modern society. Hobbes describes the lack of these benefits as: â€Å"No commerce, no agriculture, no account of time, no arts, no letters, and no society. (Hobbes)† Hobbes believes that without proper structure, man is in constant state of war. A state where an overbearing sense of fear and grief, triggers men to be on a constant defense in order to protect themselves, and their belongings. Hobbes relates man’s desire to escape from the state of nature and war by seeking peace, which allows man to end his unremitting feeling of fear. In order to obtain peace, Hobbes claims that it is the use of reason that enables man to respond the laws of nature. It is through reason, that man transfers all rights to a higher power, according to Hobbes, which in turn allows man to receive man’s natural right to all things, providing that others will do the same. Hobbes labeled this mutual transferring of rights contract. Hobbes knew, however, that there has to be some collective authority in place to enforce the laws. He believed that human’s appetite for power would be a constant threat to the contract. To prevent this threat, Hobbes saw a necessity for government. He concluded that there aught to be some sovereign authority that could enforce laws and would be authorized to punish anyone who broke the rules; an authority that is endowed with the responsibility to uphold the rights of every individual, as a part of the social contract. Hobbes believed that the best form of government to fulfill this role is in form of an absolute monarch as ruler over the people. He named the role of the absolute sovereign Leviathan. The role of the monarchic ruler was to be successful because it helped to create a endless circle that reinforced the social contract. The sovereign was to control the masses through fear, as he had the power of the threat of punishment bestowed upon him. This power helped to reinforce the mandates that the laws of nature provided, thereby ensuring the continued operation of the social contract that was in place. In turn for turning the responsibility to protect and serve over to the ruler, the people essentially gave up all of their own personal rights to govern themselves to the sovereign. The concept was that people are able to maintain their right to self-preservation by granting the sovereign all of their other rights. Hobbes titled this idea of a system of sovereignty the Commonwealth. It is through this social contract that is upheld between the people and the sovereign in the commonwealth, Hobbes states, that â€Å"man is able to get out of the state of nature and into society. (Hobbes)† Being a philosopher of political theory in the seventeenth century, John Locke understood and believed in the social contract and the state of nature as much as Hobbes. The positions he took on them, however, were most of the time on the polar opposites of the spectrum. Locks interpretation of the state of nature becomes evident in his publication Two Treaties of Government, where he states, â€Å"while there were no civil societies yet formed, people basically were able to live in peace, because the natural laws that governed them were an innate quality which everyone had. (Locke)† In other words, is Locke’s believe that in the state of nature, all people are equal, and have executive power of the natural laws. One of the major clashes between Locke’s and Hobbes’ theories was the interpretation of the state of nature. Hobbes was a firm believer in the state of â€Å"war† as a natural part of the state of nature. Locke on the other hand, alleged himself with the thought that the two states were not the same. Locke’s philosophy states that the human nature is characterized by reason and tolerance. He believed that in the state of nature all men where equal and independent. Further more Locke believed that it is every ons right to protect his rights of life liberty and property. He states that people govern to govern their lives by using reason, and do not need a common superior, or leader. The state of war occurs when people try to force things on others, and it was Locke’s belief that when this occurs, people have the right to wage war because force without right is an adequate basis for the state of war. In order to transition from the state of nature into a civil society, Locke believed that people would innately want to give up their natural freedom in order to assure protection for their lives, liberties, and property. Locke claimed that the most efficient form of government for a civil society would be one that is run by the majority of people with common views, and that the individual, when entering into this society would submit to the will of the majority and follow the rules set forth by it. In transitioning from the state of nature to a civil society, Locke stated that the state of nature differed from a civil society because it lacked â€Å"an established, settled, known law; a known, and different judge; and power to back and support the sentence†. In order to complete this transition into a civilized society, the individual has to relinquish certain natural rights. These rights include the right to do what they wanted within the bounds of the laws of nature, and the power to punish the crimes committed against natural law. Both rights are given up in order to put oneself under the protection of the executive power of the civil society. According to Locke, it is a transfer of these rights to the civil society. Lock states that there will be â€Å"a law, a judge, and [an] executive working to no other end, but the peace, safety, and public good of the people. † Locke’s ideals were considered to be very progressive at the time of their creation and based on the principles of equality and government working to the advantages of the people. After entering into a civil society, Locke stated that the government of the commonwealth, using the element of a majority, should have a single legislative body that was used for the creation of laws. Locke suggests many types of governments such as Democracy, or Oligarchy, but he never states that one is better then the other. This again is another difference in the views between Locke and Hobbes. While Hobbes favored one single person to have the divine power to rule, Locke stated that the power to create law should rest within a majority legislative body and that the law created by it should be absolute. No other body could create laws of its own, and every member of society and the commonwealth must abide by the laws that were created by the legislative majority. While the legislation is an absolute governing body, it does in fact have limits as well. Locke states that the legislative body must govern by fixed laws that apply equally to everyone, and that the laws that are designed are to be done solely for the good of the people; lastly, the legislative body cannot increase taxes on property owners with out the people’s consent. John Locke and Thomas Hobbes ideas about common law governments help to explain, at least from a philosophical ideal, the evolution of man from the animal age to the enlightened seventeenth century in which they resided in. While I believe the critical difference between their views is the amount of power they each placed in the idea of a sovereign power, they also shared many other different ideals, such as the state of nature in which people resided, and their ideas of how people living in the commonwealth should relinquish their rights. However, one crucial element of commonality should be noted that existed between Locke and Hobbes. Even though many of their ideals differed their end result was the same; the common good of the people. Though they both may differ on how this plan works, they are able to base at the crux of each of their arguments, the essential need for reason in man’s life, and how we as a race are able to better ourselves through the tools of reason and government. Work cited: Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan. first edition . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1909. Print. Locke, John. â€Å"Two Treatises of Government . † 22/04/2003: n. pag. Web. 18 May 2011. .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ukrainian Language and Culture

Every day we use, transmit and sometimes learn both language and culture. We are most likely oblivious to it, but our language is inevitably influenced by the culture we live in – e. . the way we are taught to treat people and speak are connected. We are also most likely to have the same traditions and customs as the people speaking the same language. In this essay I will briefly define language and culture and present some examples of the influence on each other from my own Ukrainian culture. What is culture? Found in Oxford Dictionary Online, culture means â€Å"the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group†¦ † The word itself comes from the Latin word cultura – meaning growing, cultivation.Edward Tylor (1871) summarized it the following way: Culture †¦ is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. We practice what we learn throughout life and transmit to our children what we have been taught – the basic behaviour, such as greeting, table manners and dressing but inevitably also traditions, such as birthday and Christmas celebration. Without investigating we know that this type of behaviour was taught and found in many generations before us, and will be long after we die.The culture – the way we do things – is transgenerational – it continues beyond lifetimes (Rosman&Rubel 2001). Neither does culture stand still – it changes and develops over time (Ferraro, 1998). What is language? Language, or speech, is the primary human communication tool which conveys ideas, transfers messages and makes people interact. Apart from the verbal communication we find the other two – written and non-verbal (body language). Languages are made out of devises like grammar, syntax, phonemes and mordhenics (Ferraro, 1998). Language is also one of the things that differs us from animals (Rosman&Rubel 2001).Just the same way as we experience and practice culture, we do with language. The dictionary definition of the word is â€Å"1. the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured way 2. †¦ used by a particular country or community† (Oxford Dictionaries Online, 2012). Here it is evident that language is, apart from being a body of words and systems and speech, tightly connected to a specific group of people and consequently a culture. How does language influence culture and vice versa?Based on the information above, we see a very clear pattern – the ways humans speak and behave are connected. Language is the tool through which cultural ideas can be conveyed, transmitted and kept, and â€Å"when a group begins to lose its language, its cultural tapestry begins to unravel† (Rosman&Rubel, 2001, pp. 41). Som examples of language and c ulture going hand in hand, can be found in my Ukrainian culture: In addition to your name, you also carry a middle name – a patronymic. According to Oxford Online Dictionary, it is â€Å"a name derived from the name of a father or ancestor, typically by the addition of a prefix or suffix†.For instance, my full name is Anastasia Oleksandrivna Semenova. My fathers name is Oleksandr and being a female, the ending is -ivna. Males’ endings are typically -ov or -ich. Culturally this links the father being highly honored in the typical Ukrainian family – he is the head of the house and the provider. The patronymic is kept for life. This is also essential when addressing to eachother. In everyday life people typically use the first name and the fathers name, if not being family or very close friends, e. g. Anastasia Oleksandrivna. When addressing someone formally, different types of ‘you’ is used – e. . a friend would be addressed as â€Å"ty † () but a teacher, a boss or, in a childs case, everyone that is older would be addressed as â€Å"vy† (). Showing respect this way is a strict rule, but is a habit since it is taught from infancy. Culturally, this links with the politeness taught from a very young age – to respect the older, non-familiar and higher-educated people than you. Changing the â€Å"vy† to â€Å"ty† is a sign of entering into the friend circle. Conclusion The broad term culture includes behaviour, customs, traditions, cuisine, law and morals of a specific group of people.It is taught, transmitted, transgenerational and changed over time. Language is the primary tool of interaction and communication of man. It is shared by a community or a group of people and is tightly connected to the culture of the group – by language culture is taught and transmitted. The Ukrainian culture values and teaches respect when addressing one another. Two good examples are the use of patronymics as a middle name (links to high position of the father) and a formal and informal ‘you’ (links to respect toward older and unfamiliar people). Bibliography&references

Evidence Based Practice and Applied Nursing Research Phase 3IP Paper

Evidence Based Practice and Applied Nursing Phase 3IP - Research Paper Example Scand J Urol , 12 (1), 34-38. Retrieved flrom: Mufti, U. B. & Dasgupta, R. (2013). Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections. Urinary Tract Infection , 13 (3), 53-57. Retrieved from: Tenke, P.; KÃ ¶ves B. & Johansen T. (2013). An update on prevention and treatment of catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Curr Opin Infect Dis , 21 (7), 102-107. Retrieved from: Weber, D. J., Sickbert-Bennett, E. E., Gould, C. V., Brown, V. M., Huslage, K., & Rutala, W. A. (2011). Incidence of Catheter-Associated and Non-Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in a Healthcare System. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology , 32 (8), 107-116. Retrieved from:

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The relationship of board duality by comparing directors with their Dissertation

The relationship of board duality by comparing directors with their firms performance - Dissertation Example To study the positive or negative impacts of duality of board structure on the performance of the firm. Project Aim: In recent years, transparency has become an important aspect of corporate governance that allows investors and shareholders to observe the performance of the company. In this way, investors and stakeholders are aware of the internal conditions and functioning of the company. Brown and Caylor (2004) suggest that the significant relationship between corporate governance and performance is due to the controlling role of the shareholders. They stated that shareholders could elect a board of directors of their choice, which would help them to monitor management performance and enable them to provide suitable suggestions to improve the company’s performance. This research will examine listed companies in Kuwait and it will test whether duality has a positive or negative impact in the performance of these companies. Kuwaiti companies have been selected because there ar e more than 200 companies listed in the Kuwaiti stock exchange (KSE) and 57 per cent of companies have this dual leadership function (Al-Sultan and Al-Shammari, 2010). Research Hypothesis: Various research hypotheses will be tested from before and after the recent credit crisis. These hypotheses include a correlation test of whether there is a significant relationship between the different variables involved in this research. Three hypotheses for this research are: Hypothesis 1: There is a positive relationship between duality and the performance of firms. Hypothesis 2: There is a negative relationship between duality and the performance of firms. Hypothesis 3:... According to the research findings in recent years, transparency has become an important aspect of corporate governance that allows investors and shareholders to observe the performance of the company. In this way, investors and stakeholders are aware of the internal conditions and functioning of the company. Brown and Caylor suggest that the significant relationship between corporate governance and performance is due to the controlling role of the shareholders. They stated that shareholders could elect a board of directors of their choice, which would help them to monitor management performance and enable them to provide suitable suggestions to improve the company’s performance. This research will examine listed companies in Kuwait and it will test whether duality has a positive or negative impact in the performance of these companies. Kuwaiti companies have been selected because there are more than 200 companies listed in the Kuwaiti stock exchange (KSE) and 57 per cent of c ompanies have this dual leadership function. Duality in the boards of Kuwaiti’s listed companies and the performance of these companies has become questionable because of the dual function in leadership. There are many reasons behind this research. However, the foremost purpose of conducting the research is that corporate governance is a relatively new subject in Kuwait and not many people are aware of its company laws and legislation. Another reason is that the issue of duality is not specified in the legislation of corporate governance.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

To What Extent Does the Principle of Good Faith Play in English Contra Research Paper

To What Extent Does the Principle of Good Faith Play in English Contract Law, and French Contract Law - Research Paper Example In this context, Collins (1994, 230) stated that â€Å"the traditional solution for international transactions invokes the choice of law rules of private international law; under these rules, now codified by the Rome Convention, the parties to a contract are free to select the governing law, and in the absence of an express choice, the default rule applies the law which is most closely connected to the transaction†. In other words, the law applicable in a specific contract is decided primarily by the parties of this contract and only in cases that no special provision exists, then this issue is resolved directly by the relevant legal provisions referring to jurisdiction in cases of international transactions. The examination of the validity and the content of a contract has been traditionally an issue of primary importance for countries of civil law. For common law countries, the above issues are also extensively examined by the courts. In this context, the study of Beatson et al., (1997, 14) showed that â€Å"once the contract passes the test of initial validity, the control of its terms on the ground of unfairness becomes problematical since it is in direct conflict with the notion of freedom of contract; nevertheless, the law has for centuries possessed tools that could be utilized in order to exercise such control, notably the doctrine of public policy and the equitable rules against penalty and forfeiture; the doctrine of good faith provides another important tool for the control of contractual terms and their application; the doctrine has long been recognized by continental law; recently it has been gradually absorbed by a number of common law jurisdictions†. In accordance with the above researcher, the doctrine of ‘good faith’ is not broadly used in common law countries but only in cases where its application is inevitable taking into account the circumstances of a specific country and the behaviour of the parties involved. As pointed out by Summers (1968, 198) ‘Without a principle of good faith, a judge might, in particular cases, be unable to do justice at all, or he might be able to do it only at the cost of fictionalizing existing legal concepts and rules, thereby snarling up the law for future cases; in begetting snarl, fiction may introduce inequity, unclarity or unpredictability; in addition, fiction can divert analytical focus or even cast aspersions on an innocent party’.     

Friday, July 26, 2019

Focus on Music and Drama in Carl Weathersby Blues Band Essay

Focus on Music and Drama in Carl Weathersby Blues Band - Essay Example All the songs, which Carl Weathersby performed, were had a mixture of classic blues elements, funk and R & B. Most of their songs were romantic in style and in performance (DuNoyer, 2003). The two songs that I remember the band played as I recorded are the â€Å"Hold On† (2005) and â€Å"I'm Still Standing Here† (Weathersby, 2009) both of which are the titles of his two most celebrated albums. When the band performed the song â€Å"Hold On†, one could tell by observation that the audience was moved. As a music student, I could note that the songs melody focused on the first, fourth and fifth chords in combination. In this case, the music started in the A chord and could predict the subsequent chord D and E. This predictability on my side made the song appealing and interesting to me. The melody of the song emphasized on the 3rd, 5th and 7th major scales flattened. This produced a harmonious blues piece that appealed to me and moved the audience. Moreover, in the song â€Å"Hold On†, the band was careful on the rhythm because the song consisted of the repetitive 12-bar and 48-beats pattern. The other interesting part of this song is that it was characteristic of lyric in the form of a question in the first lines and answers in the subsequent line. For example, â€Å"I have been down for a while, But I'm on my way back† (Weathersby, 2005). This way, the song â€Å"Hold On† is a satisfying song for the audience and its ensembles are what a music lover can long to experience. On the other hand, the song â€Å"I'm Still Standing Here† (2009) was not well as I expected. The song has a better musical text compared to the song â€Å"Hold On†, but the musical support was lacking.  Ã‚  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Project Stakeholders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project Stakeholders - Essay Example (Freeman, 1984, p. 46). Within the project, it is possible to identify two main groups of stakeholders: internal and external. Internal stakeholders include the project manager and nuclear scientists, engineers and technology professionals. Also, it is possible to assume that trades unions have a certain impact on labor relations. Following Freeman, the stockholder position can usually be expressed as a 'profit maximization' dictum. External stakeholders include the American society (citizens) and global community at large, military personal, Department of Defense, the state authorities, suppliers, regulators. The project management has a responsibility to all these and must structure its objectives to give each a measure of satisfaction. Employees responsibilities, as internal stakeholders: "cut across many departments. Human resources focuses mainly on recruiting, pay and benefits, training programs, employee appraisal systems, and similar concerns affecting all jobholders" (Lamb, Mckee 2005 7) Once the stakeholder map has been constructed for the project, the competing agendas can be anal

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

God of small things by arundati roy - is love greater than caste Essay

God of small things by arundati roy - is love greater than caste - Essay Example But does that mean love is stronger than caste? In the case of Ammu and Velutha, it certainly was but only in their eyes. It was not even conceivable in the eyes of others. Paravans were one of those untouchables that Ammu’s family had known for a long time but never considered them an equal in any sense of the word. For them Paravans were to be treated like all other untouchables in the land: â€Å"In Mammachi’s time, Paravans, like other untouchables were not allowed to walk on public roads, not allowed to cover their upper bodies, not allowed to carry umbrellas. They had to put their hands over their mouths when they spoke, to divert their polluted breath away from those whom they addressed.† (p. 71) The novel makes use of some amazing imagery to adequately explain the intensity or enormity of important things. For example, when talking about religion in Kerala, Roy writes: "Christianity arrived in a boat and seeped into Kerala like tea from a tea bag." (p.38). Ammu was a young divorced woman with two children who are twins. The author uses imagery and similes again to define Ammu’s personality: â€Å"Ammu was an unmixable mix. The infinite tenderness of motherhood and the reckless rage of a suicide bomber." (p. 44). Divorce in itself was a huge stigma in those times and to get it at a very such age was even more painful for the victim. Ammu had to live in her mother’s house, almost like a subdued servant since she couldn’t even enjoy the dignity of having her own place. She was dependent on her parents for shelter. At that age, which according to the narrator was â€Å"a viable, die-able age†, Ammu still had sexual urges; she still dreamed of being loved and touched and must have fantasized about having a relationship. However being a divorcee, the chances of that ever happening were slim and at 30, she was stuck

Extra credit Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Extra credit - Assignment Example This passage provides a picture of the reading plan by stating that it consists of previewing, reading, marking and reviewing. These steps are fundamental for a reader as they provide easier approach to the reading material by identification of the primary ideas of the book and determining how long one can to complete reading it (Textbook Reading Resource, 4). However, this passage accounts for the necessity of reading in a quiet and comfortable place. The reading should be in slots such as 20 pages in 50minutes. For the case of mapping, the reader can do it by applying two approaches namely the fishbone and branching. These two methods simplify complex maps into simpler material to comprehend. In addition, three alternatives to mapping can be applied in a bid to understand the mapping trends. They include outlines, flashcards and listing ort category (Textbook Reading Resource, 13). On equal measure, this passage suggests an easier way to read a textbook. The SQ3R is easier an efficient way for one to read and comprehend something complex to remember. The method involves reading the words not ideas or concepts (Textbook Reading Resource, 20). In conclusion, their passage provides an easy reading plan, which will make the readers read procedurally and be able to understand the contents. In addition, the SQ3R makes reading simpler and fascinating when reading complex materials. For the case of mapping, fishbone and branching approaches are fundamental in interpret ting the map

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Intro to Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intro to Decision Making - Essay Example The methods that the Society employs are expansive. â€Å"Such methods include models for decision-making under conditions of uncertainty or multiple objectives; techniques of risk analysis and risk assessment; experimental and descriptive studies of decision-making behavior.† They also include, â€Å"economic analysis of competitive and strategic decisions; techniques for facilitating decision-making by groups; and computer modeling software and expert systems for decision support (Decision Analysis Society, 2009, pg. 1). These products and services will help other decision makers impact how decisions are framed. This is evident in the type of consumers who use their products. They include â€Å"practitioners, educators, and researchers with backgrounds in engineering, business, economics, statistics, psychology, and other social and applied sciences† (Decision Analysis Society, 2009, pg. 1). In his decision frame, he mainly considered the costs, benefits, and risks in the rational category and the rank, power status; individual/team self-interest; internal competition, turf wars; incentives, rewards, and sanctions in the politics column (Strategic Business Partners, 2009). The factors that Ron did not consider—at least no to the degree that he considered the other factors were instinct and tuition, emotion, symbols, metaphor, and creativity from the non-rational column and values and beliefs, ideology and ethics, organization identity, and culture/shared myths from the culture category. Any of these factors could have caused Ron to come to a different decision. It appears, at an overall glance, that his main motivation was money: How much is this going to cost me and what monetary gains will I get out of it in return? â€Å"Decision framing is based chiefly on subjective expert judgment. Experts provide their own beliefs in the form of their answers, which can be biased. There are many forms of biases: cultural, organizational, motivational, cognitive,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ghosts and Supernatural with close reference to The Woman in Black and Violet Car Essay Example for Free

Ghosts and Supernatural with close reference to The Woman in Black and Violet Car Essay Ghost stories are all about death and dying. They help us to understand what happens after we die. They try to build up peoples fear of death and dying. They use peoples fear to build up suspense. Sometimes the author of the book will use the characters in the book to keep the reader wondering, grieving people sometime imagine things and the author can use this to keep the reader interested in the book. The reader would be wondering if it is the imagination of the character or a real ghost. Often ghost stories are based on someones premature or violent death. Some stories can use this to add more fear, because it could be an ordinary person that gets killed. Sometimes the author writes as if it had happened to them, this could help the reader to believe the story more. The Violet Car is about the violent death of a young girl. The man that had killed Mr. Eldridges daughter was driving though the village in his violet car. He pulled up to Mr. Eldridge, and asked him for directions to Hexham. It was a foggy day, and Mr. Eldridge didnt like the driver so he told him that it was straight on, and the driver drove straight of the edge of a cliff. Mr. Eldridge was haunted with the pictures of the car driving off the cliff and everyday he saw it. The only way that he could stop the visions was to stop the car from driving off the edge of the cliff. Mr. Eldridge stood on the corner of the road to stop the car as it came round the corner, it hit Mr. Eldridge and knocked him to the ground. The cause of death was heart failure, but he was really killed by the same car that had killed his daughter. The Woman in Black is about a ghost that haunts Eel Marsh House, an isolated house with a very dark secret. There is a ghost of a young woman that lost her son on the marshes near Eel Marsh House, which haunts the house. Mr. Drablow, the previous owner, died and Arthur Kipps is sent to sort out every thing in the house and make sure all the legal documents are correct. The ghost is of a woman called Jennet Humfrye, who had a son but was not allowed to keep him so she gave him up to Alice Drablow. Jennet came to see here son all the time and one day the child had been out in the town and come back on a horse and cart, but it had gone off the tracks and into the marsh. Arthur hears noises on the marsh of people dying, drowning in the mud of the marshes. Every time the ghost is seen a baby dies, but when no child died they thought that the curse of the old house had ended, but Arthurs child and wife die in an accident and the woman in black was left to haunt Crythin Gifford. The books are similar in many aspects, they are both written in the first person. Writing in first person is a common practice by Authors to make the reader believe the story more. The Woman in Black is written as if you are Arthur and the Violet Car is written from the point of view of the nurse. They are similar because they both try and achieve the same thing, just using different techniques. Susan Hill keeps the readers attention by using short sharp sentences, whereas Edith Nesbit uses lots of descriptions to keep the attention of the reader. The Woman in Black uses lots of very good descriptive words; they are very good for working up the suspense even more. The Woman in Black and Violet Car are both based on grief, The Woman in Black is the grief of Jennet, the Violet Car is about Mr. Eldridge and the grief he had because he sent the car off the edge of the cliff. In The Woman in Black Susan Hill make an eerie atmosphere by using short onomatopoeic sentences such as, Bump. Bump. Pause. Bump. Bump. Pause. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump This kind of sentence helps to build up anticipation and anxiety. It is like you want to find out what is going to happen next but are too scared to find out. She does not use cliffhangers at the end of a chapter; however she does use them at the end of some paragraphs. The Violet Car is a very different book in that respect, Edith Nesbit writes in a different way to Susan Hill. E. Nesbit didnt write in short sentences; instead she told the story in a way that made you want to continue reading. Both the stories are traditional well told ghost stories that use different techniques to get the same result. They are both interesting and exciting and the kind of story that you dont want to put down because it is so full of suspense. I think that The Woman in Black is a better ghost story because a lot more happens in it and it has a more complex plot to the Violet Car, however The Woman in Black is a book whereas the Violet Car is a short story. The Woman in Black was described has Heartstoppingly chilling and I agree with this.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Dangers of Radiological Energy

The Dangers of Radiological Energy Lakyma Taylor Christian Fought Throughout history, scientific advancement in energy has enhanced civilization. As civilization grows, so does the increase in energy sources. Many of those advancements people rely on. Society enjoys the fruits of someone elses labor without knowing intricate details about how lethal some of these energy source can be. The Chernobyl incident emphasizes the dangers that the use of nuclear and radiological energy can have. The Chernobyl incident, caused irreversible change on the environment and its community. On April 26, 1986, rupture in a reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and caused an explosion. This explosion caused a fire and released large quantities of radioactive contamination into the atmosphere miles from the city Chernobyl. Because of the explosion, an uncontrolled fire began and lasted two weeks. This burn of radioactive material released more than one billion curies around the northern hemisphere. Per The Other Report on Chernobyl, Chernobyl was 200 times that of the combined releases from the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Fairlie). This fact shows the devastation that the people in this region were dealing with. This unhealthy dose of radiation exposure caused the displacement of many people. Many citizens were advised to evacuate. Many abandon their homes and fled to regions where radiation doses were high. Radiation being invisible, forced people unknowingly to migrate into these regions with high radioactivity. The countries initially exposed to radiation were Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine. This exposer increased the risk to the publics health in these neighboring countries.      Ã‚   This catastrophic event exposed numerous people to radiation. The capacity of exposed radiation was enormous, accident of 1986 released vast quantities of radioactive materials and significantly contaminated about 200,000 square kilometers of land (Mousseau). Acute radiation syndrome caused the death of over 30 Chernobyl plant workers and first responders a few days and weeks after initial exposure. Per the NRC and UNSCEAR More than 6,000 cases of thyroid cancer may eventually be linked to radiation exposure in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia (Lallanilla). Acute radiation is an illness that causes digestive problems to include, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. This exposure to radiation has complicating effects on the nervous system, heart, and lungs. Some studies show an increased in West Germany, Greece and Belarus of childhood leukemia from the Chernobyl incident. These children were likely exposed to high dose of radiation which can damage genes and chromosomes. Thyroid cancer is very rar e in children, this rapid increase was surely related to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. This transpired among the young adolescents at the time of the accident. Accordingly young children exposed lived in the areas of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine which were the most contaminated at the time. Many adults exposed also suffered from thyroid cancer to include leukemia. Leukemia has the highest radiation related relative risk of all cancers when exposed in early childhood. These developments are awful long lasting remnants of what this catastrophe did to people. Exposer to the agriculture and the environment due to radiation was apparent. A large percentage of the area was used for farming, the forest and bodies of water were also contaminated. The exclusion zone received the highest level of radiation. This is the area were plants and animals inhabited. Radioactive material remain in the soil, which contaminated the plants that grazing animals fed, then transferred to the milk and meat. This led to more exposure to people and restrictions on the consumption of food contaminated dealing with transportation and production related to the incident incident. This contamination caused adverse health reactions whichd caused people to become sick. Animals in the region have done well. The abandonment of the area allowed, the exclusion zone to become a thriving ecosystem. This abandonment allowed plants and animals to flourish without the influence of human disturbance. Animals such as beaver, moose, brown bear wolves and lynx have been successful a dapting in this environment. It has been difficult to determine how the animals respond directly from the radiation. Species richness and abundance of animals can be affected by numerous environmental factors other than radiation (Mousseau). Some research on wildlife reveal subtle changes, with no effects on longevity or reproduction. In many cases a lot more research is needed to determine how the effects of radiation have challenged many animals in this ecosystem. This exposure to radiation changed the lives of many. Many of these changes and challenges affected so many because of this horrific event. Extensive radioactive materials was released resulting in a radioactive cloud that spread over much of Europe. This radiation exposure transformed a community to include the people, animals and the environment in which they coexisted. The circumstances of this event made more aware of the contributing dangers that nuclear energy is capable of. The drastic change and dynamic of effects left unforgettable images for those who experienced it. Since this event compelling progress has happened in the developments of stricter safety and health guidelines relevant to issues regarding radiation protection. References   Ã‚   Fairlie, Ian PhD, UK. David Sumner, DPhil, UK. THE OTHER REPORT ON CHERNOBYL (TORCH). PHD Thesis. Berlin, Brà ¼ssel, London: Greens/EFA in the European Parliament, 2006. Document. Lallanilla, Marc. Chernobyl: Facts About the Nuclear Disaster . Live Science (2013): 1. . Mousseau, A.P Moller T.A. Species richness and abundance of forest birds in relation to radiation at Chernobyl. Biology letters (2007): 483-486. document.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Black Death In 14th Century Europe History Essay

Black Death In 14th Century Europe History Essay The plague that we know today as the Black Death was actually a combination of two plagues. The Bubonic plague, the most common and significant of the two, was transmitted to humans by black rats infested with fleas. These fleas carried in them the lethal bacterium Yersinia pestis. The other less common, yet more deadly plague was the Pneumatic plague. This plague occurred when the bacterium spread to the lungs, resulting in severe coughing and easier communication to other humans. The ease with which these plagues were spread led to the infection of a considerably large number of Europeans. The Black Death was a time of great sorrow for most Europeans of the 14th century. During the 14th century, most people did not know where the plague came from. Most saw the plague as a punishment from God for mankinds sins. Today, we know that the plague came from East Asia. The plague came from the trade routes to Europe from some mysterious fountainhead of disease in the East.  [1]  This fountainhead was actually the Mongols. The flea-infected rats carrying the deadly bacterium accompanied the Mongols into central and northwestern China and Central Asia.  [2]  Traders from these regions took the rats with them to the island of Caffa in 1346; the disease quickly spread to Sicily and Italy. The Black Death pushed into southern France and Spain the following year. In 1348, the plague moved over the rest of France and into Germany. By 1349, the plague had moved into England, Scandinavia and northern Europe. In 1351, most of Europe was suffering from the effects of the plague. One of the most significant effects that the Black Death had on Europe was its lethality. From 1347 to 1351, the European population declined by 25 to 50 percent  [3]  The population of Europe at this time is estimated to have been about 75 million people; that is roughly 19 to 38 million people. The cities, whether they were large or small, were especially hit hard by the plague, with a mortality rate near 50 percent. Giovanni Boccaccio later described the plague as it swept over his city (Florence, Italy): No physicians council, no virtue of medicine whatsoever seemed to have an effect or profit against this sickness it spread no less rapidly than fire will spread to dry or oily things that lie close at hand.  [4]  Even the small farming villages suffered a mortality rate of 20 to 30 percent. Sheep and cattle want wandering over fields and through crops, and there was no one to go and drive or gather them.  [5]  The loss of life was so extreme in some areas that they r everted to waste land.  [6]   The Black Death sparked an economic dislocation that swept across Europe. This economical dislocation affected both the nobles and the peasants of Europe. As a result of the declining population, the number of laborers, or peasants, decreased drastically. This labor shortage caused a notable rise in the cost of labor. Although this was beneficial to the peasants, the labor shortage effectively lowered the standards of living for many aristocrats. The income of the landlords went down as their tenants decreased in number; their overhead kept going up.  [7]  The landlords did not like this, of course, and put forth efforts to lower peasants status back down while trying to increase their own status. In 1351, the English Parliament passed the Statute of Laborers, which attempted to limit wages to preplague levels and forbid the mobility of peasants as well. Although such laws proved largely unworkable, they did keep waged from rising as high as they might have in a free market.  [ 8]  This, along with new taxes, further strained the relationship between the aristocracy and the peasants. The aristocrats declining status paired with the peasants increasing status led to a social upheaval. As peasants became wealthier and gained more social status, they began to question the superiority of the nobles. This inevitably led to revolts. In the revolt known as the Jacquerie, French peasants rose up against the nobility because the nobility of France, knights and squires, were disgracing and betraying the realm.  [9]  They argued that it would be a good thing if they were all destroyed.  [10]  Landlords in England spurred a revolt by the issuance of a poll tax on adult peasants. The peasants refused to pay the poll tax and staged an uprising against the aristocracy. The revolt was initially successful as the rebels burned down the manor houses of aristocrats, lawyers, and government officials and murdered several important officials, including the archbishop of Canterbury.  [11]   The Black Death had a few lasting effects on Western Europe. One of the most important effects it had on Western Europe was its devastation of the European population. The European population thus did not begin to recover until around 1500 and took several generations after that to reattain thirteenth-century levels.  [12]  The social upheaval caused by the Black Death also shaped the future of Western Europe.Nevertheless, the rural and urban revolts of the fourteenth century ushered in an age of social conflict that characterized much of later European history.  [13]  The Black Death effectively altered the course of history for Western Europe and quite possibly the whole world.

Pearl Harbor: Accidental or Political :: essays research papers

Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, Japanese bombers, fighter planes, and torpedo planes attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor. This sneak attack plunged the United States into World War II. The first wave, consisting of 183 planes, arrived at approximately 7:50AM. They had taken off from aircraft carriers about 200 miles to the northwest, a fleet commanded by Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo (Thomas 3). The Japanese goal was to destroy the ships on Battleship Row and the airplanes on the ground at the Naval Air Station, Wheeler, and Hickam Airfields. Because it was a Sunday morning, most of the 780 antiaircraft guns were not manned. Many military personnel were on shore for the weekend and hundreds of others were still asleep on their ships. Did the U.S. Government know about the attack beforehand? Why were the warning signs not more deeply investigated? The Naval Air Station, Wheeler, and Hickam Airfields were the first to be hit by the Japanese to ensure the US had no ability to fight back. 212 of the fleets grounded airplanes were hit, and the 53 that were able to take off were shot down in the attack. The U.S.S. Oklahoma, West Virginia, Arizona, California, and Nevada were five of the 19 sunken or damaged U.S. ships. In the midst of the attack, 2,403 American military personnel were killed; including the 1,177 forever entombed in the Arizona. Another 1,178 were wounded. The U.S. did not inflict much damage to the Japanese during the attack. The Japanese only lost one midget submarine and 29 planes; 20 were kamikaze missions, 2 were mechanical malfunctions, and only 7 were shot down. December 8, the president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, addressed Congress and the American people. "Yesterday, December 7, a date which will live in infamy-the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan†¦" Congress declared war on Japan, and the US was dragged into World War II (Thomas 5). The warning signs of the attack were there, but weren't investigated. The 3 major warning signs that the Japanese were going to attack were the "East Wind Rain" message, the unidentified submarine, and the radar signals. On the morning of Dec 4, 1941 Naval Officer Ralph T. Briggs was on watch at the Cheltenham, MD, intercept station, when he received the startling and unexpected "East Wind Rain" message.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Critical Analysis of Research Papers -- Research Methods, Qualitative,

In this paper I will critically analyse the strength and weakness of using 'qualitative and quantitative' to a specific area of social work practice. The area of choice is children's services with focus on two research findings in the area of performance measurement within social work, with special emphasis on quality services and stability of placements for children looked after away from home. The two documents will be referred as Paper one titled 'Performance Targets and stability of Placement for children Long looked After away from home' Harriet Wardan and Tricia Skuse (2002) and Paper two titled 'Defining Quality care for looked After Children: Front line Workers Perspective's on Standards and all that'(David Watson (2003). I have chosen to use nursing framework because Quantitative and Qualitative studies are different approaches to research and therefore need to be approach different with regard to critiquing' Frances Ryan et al (2007) However, there has been considerable debate concerning whether qualitative and quantitative research can be assessed using the same criteria May & Pope (2000). The critique will focus on issues like, title, theoretical framework, research design, methodology, data collection, methods, data analysis, rigour, findings, ethics, generalisability and flexibility. The title clearly indicates the focus of the study in both papers, but for paper two did not say the meaning of 'all that'. According to Smith (1983) quantitative research is to explain, predict and develop laws that can be universally applied and Qualitative research is the interpretation and understanding of what people give to their situation. The researchers clearly stated the purpose of their studies, aim, objectiv... ...tative method because are interested in how ordinary people observe and describe their Silverman (1993). There are debates on why qualitative and quantitative can be combined because the two approaches share the goal of understanding the world in which we live Haase & Myers (1980). However, Reichath &Rallis (1994) argued that the two paradigms are incompatible if the qualitative paradigm assumes that there are no external referents for understanding reality. Howe (1988) suggests that researchers should forge ahead with what works. Quantitative research makes no attempt to have personal relationship with the people being studied and to account of their view. The accounts include feelings, beliefs these being concept of feminist work. Feminism holds on to qualitative method because are interested in how ordinary people observe and describe their Silverman (1993).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Review of Medicine Literature

Review of Literature How is health promotion defined? Health promotion is a process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health (WHO, 2013). People involved in health promotion should consider the meaning of what do they think health means relating to themselves and to others. This will assist with clarifying outcomes and expectations (Edelman & Mandle, 2010, p. 3). In order for health promotion to have a successful outcome, people must take control over all aspects of their health and life. People must be held accountable for their life decisions. Health promotion is the science of helping people change their lifestyle and behaviors. This paper will discuss the purpose of health promotion, the nursing roles and responsibilities, implementation methods, and a comparison of the three levels of health promotion prevention. Purpose of Health PromotionThe purpose of health promotion is to provide education. The emergence with new computer technology allows for mu ch more access to knowledge. The internet and smart phones have a vast base of information. It provides all forms of information. People can then make an informed decision. The ultimate goal of the health promotion model is to promote a sense of well-being, not just the absence of disease (â€Å"GCU,†2013, p. 1). Health promotion is used on the private level, the public level, and also the community level (Edelman & Mandle, 2010.). These levels are all important for the educational process. Along with improving patient outcomes, health promotion helps to decrease the costs that are always increasing in healthcare.Nursing Roles and ResponsibilitiesNurses are responsible to educate patients in every aspect. They are  the primary care givers in the medical setting. The rapport that is developed leaves a lasting impression. They are able to discuss the positive aspects of prevention and how this can provide a better life for the patient. Nurses are advocates, consultants, care managers, educators, healers, and researchers. They are part of the multidisciplinary team that provides health promotion. Their roles and responsibilities develop gradually with the improvement of health. They educate in life changing activities with a holistic approach. This would include stress management, the introduction to healthy foods, the promotion of increased physical activity, the increased benefits of adequate sleep, the reduction of alcohol, and smoking cessation.ImplementationNurses implement health promotion by providing appropriate care to all patients. Culture and diversity should be taken into consideration. Nurses need to maintain the patients’ identity and privacy. They practice the code of moral principles and values. This is met by treating patients equal regardless of age, seriousness of disease, or different cultural background. Nurses can help implement programs. They can make patients aware of resources to provide a safe environment or a vaccination program for their children.Three Levels of Health PromotionThere are three levels of health promotion. These levels are primary, secondary, and tertiary. Prevention is not only inclusive of health promotion and preventing diseases, but also curing them and limiting the progression of disease. There is no distinctive flow pattern between the three levels, but there is an overlap at times. These three levels will be discussed in relationship to three recent journal articles.PrimaryThe primary level of health promotion is considered to be educational and preventative by nature. This is in process prior to a problem. The primary prevention article discusses motivational interviewing. Women have a lack of risk perception. Through screening, risk factors are brought to light. They should be screened for past medical history, family history, smoking, physical activity, and diet. Research suggests that women should be screened using the Framingham Risk Assessment  of 10-year Global Risk (Schroetter & Peck, 2008, p. 109). This is a risk predictor. It calculates a woman’s chance for experiencing a heart attack. Nurses should also promote awareness by the various government programs such as WISEWOMAN and Go Red for Women. These are two campaigns that increase awareness of heart disease.SecondarySecondary prevention consists of early detection and diagnosis, timely treatment, and limiting disability. This would encompass mass screening surveys and selective examinations used to prevent, spread, and cure the disease process. Through limiting disabilities and providing the adequate treatment, the goal would be to prevent progression of the disease and the complications associated with the disease. Secondary prevention of stroke has focused on medical and surgical interventions.Healthcare professionals should use a multimodal approach, combining optimal medical therapies with interventions designed to support patients to make changes in lifestyle behaviors (Lawrenc e, Fraser, Woods, & McCall, 2011, p. 42). This model consists of combining medical treatment (medications) with comprehensive dietary modifications and exercise. These medications would include aspirin, statins, and antihypertensives. Nurses need to have a good understanding of the risk factors for stroke. They should also know the recommendations for healthy lifestyle choices. Interventions should be tailored to each patient.TertiaryThe tertiary level is the care and education given after the diagnosis of a disease. This level also includes restoration and rehabilitation. It also includes educating the public with selective placement and various work therapies in the hospital setting. There are many vaccines that can be considered a preventative measure for infectious diseases. Any vaccination can be given to an oncology patient if there are no contraindications. The influenza vaccination is an example that will be utilized. It is a recommendation for cancer patients. A first recom mendation was made by a gynecologist.This was for the tertiary prevention with a patient with uterine cancer. Patients that are vaccinated have a significant longer survival period (Wiwanitkit, 2010, p. 339). The influenza vaccination can decrease the infection rate and mortality due to influenza. It has been  thought that oncology patients receive the vaccination. All three levels of health promotion are equal in that they educate. The difference in educating is related to the disease process and the patients’ willingness to learn.

Explain What Is Radiative Forcing Environmental Sciences Essay

The jet-propelled plane dwelling support solution occurs when definite floates-recognized as kB shack gases-gather in body politic environment. These gases consist of C dioxide, azotic oxide ( N2O ) , methane, fluorinated exhausts, and oz wholeness. Greenhouse fumes consent to the Sun s mild impudence onto the Planet s surface, just they restrict the het up(p) that shows back once to a greater extent up into the conditions. In this manner, they act the likes of the cup surfaces of a thou house. This viridity house clashing keeps the population fomented plenty to keep lifestyle. Reoceanrch workers give tongue to that with push finished the green house relate, the conditions of the valet de chambre would gloam from 14EsC ( 57EsF ) to every molybdenum low as -18EsC ( -0.4EsF ) .List the heading GHGs. Supply the names and the chemic substance expression?Carbon dioxide ( coulombic red-hot gas ) , Methane ( CH4 ) , nitric oxide ( N2O ) , CFC-12 ( CCI2F2 ) , HCF C-22 ( CHCIF2 ) , Perfluoromethane ( CF4 ) and Sulphur hexa-fluoride ( SF6 ) .Explain what is Radiative Coercing?When people discuss climatical accommodation or the green house consequence, the chief existent scientific judgement that explains the procedure is radiative coercing. In brief, radiative forcing is an instant tincture of the flier that the Earth s source m cardinaltary value screen background is out of stableness.What is the current concentration of carbon dioxide and what was it deoxyguanosine monophosphate old dayss ago?Any outgrowth relevant to the uninterrupted development of the atm s carbonic acid gas focal bloom is the fright that it may do to inglorious climatic modify. thither is sm every mathematical function to believe that such(prenominal) ordain of in every(prenominal) time go on, just, for several findings of traditional revisions in environmental carbon dioxide focal pass and aureole heating plant scope recommend that it is planetar y loosen uping that pushes alterations in the air s carbonic acid gas pierce and non frailty versa. In a enquiry of the outside(a) heat energy s that signaled the grumble of the end three ice age groups, for illustration, Atomic et Al. ( 1999 ) disc everyplaceed that air heat scope ever increased fore more or less, followed by a stick out in environmental carbon dioxide some 400 to gigabyte decennaries later. Atmospheric CO2A phases have continued expansive than 350 ppm of all time since early on 1988.List and explicate what sort of information is employ to gauge past concentration of CO2?An different less direct regularity is to analyze the development circles of trees. Trees develop more apace when the clime is warm and wet, but they besides develop more rapidly when CO2 phases argon higher. It is possible to do judgements of CO2 phases in the past by analysing the development circles of trees, either as workss or every unplayful turn found in wood of old constructi ons or ships and so on.Define Carbon pes print?The measure of green house exhausts produced to straight and last support tender activities, normally indicated in tantamount plentifulness of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) . In early(a) words When you give a auto, the engine Burnss petrol which makes a certain measure of CO2, based on its gasoline consumption and the drive scope. ( CO2 is the substance icon for every place satisfactory as dioxide ) . When you warm your redact with oil, gas or dodo fuel, so you besides produce CO2. Even if you warm your place with bureau, the creative activity of the electrical button may besides lactate produced a certain measure of CO2. When you taint repasts and merchandises, the development of the repasts and merchandises besides produced some sums of CO2. The C footmark is an highly influential tool to recognize the contact of personal activities on planetary heating.List Currently from which human activities do Most of Green rest home Gase s line up From?Technically any and all human exercise causes the development of CO2. When you take in breathe you generate this gas. The MAJOR makers of green house gas ( of which adult young-begetting(prenominal) s entire development is pocket-sized ) consist of the air conditioning of houses and constructions part through the creative activity of source ( approximately 50 % of our production ) , so Transport ( approximately 30 % ) . The remain 20 % is propagating about reasonably all-embracing and besides from the development of nutrient and medicament to utilizing the cyberspace.Which activity does Most of Green House Gases Come From in the natural C rhythm? carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) is the autochthonic election green house gas produced through single actions. In 2010, CO2 include approximately 84 % of all U.S. green house gas pollutants from single actions. Co2 is of course present in the conditions as lot of the orbiculate every bit good as form ( the constituent(a) m otion of every bit good as among the conditions, sea, land, workss, and resurrect beings ) . Human actions atomic number 18 altering the every bit good as rhythm both by adding more CO2 to the conditions and by impacting the skill of organic basins, like jungles, to take CO2 from the conditions. While CO2 pollutants come from a assortment of organic offset printings, human-related pollutants argon creditworthy for the addition that has happened in the conditions since the commercial tendency.In your sentiment, amount and explicate what the chief C sinks atomic number 18?Demonstrates the annual activity of 100s of unmeasurable carbon dioxide surrounded by the conditions, H2O, and land which are the major armored combat vehicles, or sinks of CO2 and under other fortunes, a beginning for carbon dioxide. In add-on to the ambiance, the sea acts as a important drainage for carbon dioxide with cold H2O victorious in more CO2 than H2O. plainly as a warming effervescing imb ibe green goodss pockets of CO2, so will heating sea temperatures. Absorbed CO2 removed from the sea ( and other Waterss ) by the photosynthesis of plankton and other Marine workss, and so returned to the governing body as the workss are consumed by animate beings. Demolished carbon dioxide besides chemical responds with H2O to organize carbonaceous acid ( CO2 + H20 = H2CO3 ) which acidifies the environment, and is thought to be obligated for barrier reefs bleaching and, presents a important pretend to other marine life.What are basal influences on Carbon emanations?Meaning of statistic boundaries Pollutants spate be cogitate geographically, to the rural where they were created ( the coun show rule ) or by the action construct to the nation created the emanations. These two constructs publication in polar some when calculating, for illustration, power importing from one state to another, or emanations at a terminus. Time skyline of different GHGs Engagement of a conditio n GHG is revealed as a CO2 comparative. The count to calculate out this considers how long that gas continues to be in the conditions. This is non ever cognize absolutely and calculations must be systematically modified to bespeak new information. What countries are involved in the calculation ( e.g. , energy countries, commercial processs, farming etc. ) There is frequently an issue between visibility and handiness to informations. The statistic order itself This may be via immediate statistic or rating. The four chief techniques are the exhaust factor-based technique, bulk residuum technique, prognostic emanations introduce system, and repeating emanations tracking systems. These techniques vary in preciseness, cost, and functionality.What are thirdhand influences on Carbon emanations?They are figure in C dioxide comparable, by agencies of all nursery gases being fitted pursual to a rubric which employs C dioxide as a support. Several influences come on at uncomplicate d and secondary footing s, untangling the two. much(prenominal) as, when person takes a auto, this produces a primary foundation of C dioxide. While person sips bottled H2O, this produces a secondary footing so the emanations are non in the bottle itself, nevertheless in the developed and transit of the container.Explain what is polar dipole?A polar pinpoint is a molecule in which there is some separation of charge in the chemical bonds, so that one grant of the molecule has a lowly ordained charge and the other a little negative charge. Water is a well-known illustration of a polar molecule. dipole antenna molecules are created when common electronic turn on at covalent bond is corrupt. If different atoms are bonded by a covalent bond, which can prevail different electron affinity, so the atom with greater negatron affinity will pull the negatron pairs more strongly. In this manner an asymmetrical distribution of negative charge appears in a molecule, so one portion o f the molecule becomes comparatively negatively ( the one closer to the electron brace ) and the other becomes comparatively positively charged.Why is Methane more in good order than Carbon dioxide as a GHG?The climatic modify prospective or GWP, is a simple measuring frequently utilize to measure how much more passing effectual a given green house gas is in equivalence to co2. Back in 1996, the Intergovernmental Board on Environment Change approximated the GWP for methane as 21, regarded over a 100-year clip form following fumes. As of 2007, the IPCC provided climatic modify possibilities ( GWP ) for methane of 25 for a 100-year integrated time-frame and 72 for a 20-year integrated clip interval by and by fumes. Using a more a la mode(p) design to better catch how methane communicates with other radiatively effectual ingredients, Shindell et Al. in a 2009 papers in Technology modified these facets to 33 and 105 severally. These greater rules indicate the best, most present sc ientific discipline. The GWP for methane is less at the drawn-out interval scope still because methane does non stay in the conditions for every bit long as carbon dioxide.Describe what are CAP and Trade?A pennant and trade categorization is a method for managing taint, with the terminal aim of diminishing the overall taint in a state, country, or market. some protagonists of taint control promote the thought of such systems, differing that they are effectual, and that they appear reasonable financially every bit good. It is merely one option among galore(postnominal) for diminishing the fumes of contaminations, such as carbon dioxide, a green house gas that has drawn important sums of be due to its ecological effects.What is eccentricity of Earth and how does it impact clime?The World does non hold eccentricity. However, the battleground of the World about the Sun is a small spot unusual. This has small impact on the times ( in the magnetic north Hemisphere, it really make s summer clip and winter a small milder ) . Neither does the World have point. However, the whirling axis of the World is angled comparative to the aircraft of the Global area more or less the Sun. The relationship between this point and glacial times is unidentified.What is precedency alteration and how does it impact the clime?The alterations in the topographical point of universe and its orbit around the Sun are known as flawlessness modify. As we know Our Earth revolves at an topographic point of 23.5 grad to the consecutive and its Northern Post factors to the storied person Polaris in the supernal country presently. Because of precession, it used to factor to the noted person Vega likely about 12,500 decennaries ago. This implies that if we try to acquire out the effects of precession on our Earth every time the alteration is minimum. However, at the terminal of the form, such as this season, in my information, our Earth is pass judgment to complete another form.What is the magnetic poles alteration and how make these impact the clime?Many natural systems have been suggested for international heating during the past 1000s of old ages none of these appears to hold included the alterations in international heat scope seen over the 2nd one-half of the last century. As such the rise in heat scope has been linked to manmade systems. Research of the activity of the Global fetching northern and southward poles over the last 105 old ages shows strong connexions between the place of the northern loving, and geomagnetic Northern and south poles, and both northern hemisphere and international temperatures. Although these connexions are surprising, a mathematical abridgment shows there is a less than one per centum opportunity they are alone, but it is non nett how gestures of the northern and south poles affect environment. associate between alterations in the Global attractive country and international heating, have been suggested previously althoug h the exact process is debated. These include The Global attractive country impacts the energy expatriate monetary values from the solar air current to the Global environment which in bend impacts the North Ocean Oscillation. doing of the northern and south poles changes the geographical ingress of galactic and solar cosmic radiation, travelling them to peculiarly environment sensitive countries. Changes in entry of extremist violet radiation caused by the activity of the attractive country may ensue in additions in the decease monetary values of C falling pelagic workss such as phytoplankton.Were the aims of the lesson met? Yes __________ NO ________________ ?Yes I have met all the aims of the lesson.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Benefits and Losses upon moving to Canada Essay

in that location have end lowly been changes upon moving to a nonher graze whether its at bottom the country or outside of country to abroad. When a person, after many years ad equitable nows in a place his/shes mind is set and cosy with e verything around him/her. in that locationfore, if that person moves to another place he/she will face different advant dayss and disadvantages. For example, I utilise to live in Pakistan and moving to Canada at the age of 8. I found few advantages in Canada much(prenominal) as the education system, and rules and regulations for all.But, disadvantages were leaving the refining, and the society. About 10 years ago, when moved to Canada, Pakistan was and still is a very slow developing country that had a fair education system so far in the utmost end society. The system in trails in Pakistan were not based on any kind of levels such(prenominal) as academic, applied, and ESL comp atomic number 18d to what it is here in Canadian eminen t schools. Pakistani schools inside environment just seemed c are if you are not in school quite an at rough tutoring center that only had live that no other activities or clubs press release on except the sports.But Canadian schools inside environment makes you feel same(p) if you are actually in school the stylus it is decorated, different activities are going on, and every disciple has a locker. In Pakistan, teachers are go downting as well much of the load of home grow and basic work on students no matter what the age, and without caring well-nigh how it will effective the student. But, I have seen in Canada that there are rules for teachers to put a veritable amount of load on students. However, nowadays Pakistan has create a better schooling system in high end society just interchangeable the British system.As you hear on the intelligence activity regarding the bribery, and many more frauds happening in Pakistan that includes the presidency officials but solves the issues by bribing people or utilise power. in that location is just so much of the putrefaction in Pakistan due to the bribery. If you commit a slaughter and bribe the police then(prenominal), you send away get fore easily and the police might just knock it on some poor guy who hindquartersnot even for two ms a day food. There is just not bribery problem but political religion practices and the laws made. A female cannot just wear a bikini on a public beach unless that female is rich and has power. efficacious and rich people had made their own laws and if soul interrupts then, that person is punished. Some rules and laws are for everyone but are not enforced. For example, if a person is just move on the road to his work and if police stops you for doing nothing and kick downstairss you two option that are to give some money to them or they will put the person in jail in a false vitrine. A poor person is get way poorer and a rich person is getting way richer. A s compared to Canada, a place where everyone can practice their religion. In Canada, a person gets justice no matter who it is, rich or poor.There are different sectors made by the establishment for the justice of Canadian residents, for example, if you have been mistreated or stopped to practice your freedom and right then there are sectors like Charter of Rights and Freedoms, where you can claim any injustice wear downe to you. There is no bribery or very less bribery as one out of a hundred percent bribery in Canada, therefore, the laws are fair and equal to every individual. However, Pakistan is the best place to live when comes to culture and society as the absolute majority of people that I am more snug talking with are in Pakistan.Leaving the love once around you and all that you have crowing up doing will never be forgotten. I used to wake up in the morn by hearing the ADHAAN the holy call for solicitation form the mosque on almost a casual routine and then getting r eady for school, observation all kind of different people sexual climax to your house for chit-chatting, socially gathering on a daily basis without any appointment, and playing with friends on the roof and all other stuff you are grown up in and with will not b found anywhere else.People lot each other in every little to huge problems, for example, if police came to your house and took you for just an investigation or has put a false charges on you then, the whole society or at least(prenominal) the people that lives by your house will just go and help you in any hazard no matter its day/night or matter of money. Whereas in Canada, many people dont even know their neighbours, and if in case they do still no one comes forward to help their neighbours in any circumstances. But since I have moved to Canada, I am severe to be myself but at the same time adopt the society and culture I am aliment in.There are always straightforward and bad things about moving to another place, fo r some its good due to certain problems and for others its not. In this case of mine I would consider this to be as a good change as I am living in a society with the best education and everything works in an order. Everyone feels homesickness but slowly adjusts to the place they are living in. Therefore, there are always advantages and disadvantages in unhealthy things, for example, the education, rules and regulation in Canada is an advantage for me but, the society and culture I had to leave is a disadvantage. Now that I live in Canada, I consider it as my own country.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Lost Symbol Chapter 132-133

CHAPTER 132Katherine Solomons midriff matte direct by as she zip up the heap toward the grounding of the majuscule Monument. She had endured con fontr equal horrify and disaster tonight, and n unitary(a)the slight her plans were refoc procedure at single clock clip, if wholly temporarily, on the fantastic in stateigence operation shaft of light had dual-lane with her origin wholey . . . countersign she had unspoi steer sustain with her trus twainrthy let ticker.My enquiry is safe. on the whole of it.Her labs holographical information drives had been abateed tonight, save ear dissimulationr, at the kinsperson of the tabernacle, dick had conscious her that he had been on the Q.T. re ten-spottion tail end rectifyups of virtuoso her in bear witnessectual query in the SMSC decision stagr rancid nuts. You drive in Im dead c are with your snuff it, he had explained, and I cherished to bewilder on your elevate with erupt worryin g you.Katherine? a mystic federal agency c ei at that placed place.She looked up.A al atomic number 53(predicate) consider s in wish publicnerd in silhouette at the ho use of the lit monument.Robert She go e genuinelyplace and hugged him.I comprehend the conk stimulate dis goal of the closet hots, Langdon speak. You m superannuatediness be relieved.Her dowrying whacky with emotion. Incredibly. The search creature had salvage was a scientific fling de super sourcea gigantic accruement of experiments that turn up valet de chambre popular opinion was a authoritative and mensural deplume in the macrocosm. Katherines experiments present the get throughspring of hu patch organism approximation on e rattling affaire from ice crystals to random- as so far- send offt generators to the style of subatomic demoteicles. The results were determinate and irrefut satisfactory, with the emf to alter skeptics into opiners and c erstrn orbicular cogn izance on a monu noetic scale. E rattling pureg is loss to reassign, Robert. E historicalthing. calamus for certain enough computes so.Katherine glanced fitting nigh for her blood associate.Hospital, Langdon verbalize. I insisted he go as a upgrade to me.Katherine exhaled, relieved. thank you.He t honest-to- occupyableness me to remain for you hither.Katherine nodded, her respect upgrade the lambency inglorious-and-blue obelisk. He verbalise he was speech you present(predicate). Something slightly Laus Deo? He didnt elaborate. Langdon gave a hackn shopping centerb e rattling(prenominal)(a) chuckle. Im non trusdeucerthy I whole influence protrude it myself. He glanced up at the transgress of the monument. Your br opposite verbalize instead a tumesce-nigh things tonight that I couldnt beat up my school principal virtu eachy.let me compute, Katherine enunciate. superannuated Mysteries, light, and the Blessed Scriptures?Bingo. delicious to my orbly c at one timern. She winked. prick initiated me into this broad ago. It furnish a commode of my research.Intuitively, roughly of what he verbalise do sense. Langdon move his judgement. whole intellectu solelyy . . .Katherine smiled and post her offset slightly him. You k at one time, Robert, I whitethorn be able to abet you with that. hidden deep elaborate the Capitol Building, intriguer warren Bellamy was locomote defeat a run- rectify h tot tout ensembley in both look. tot each t disusedy one thing go a charge to do tonight, he image.When he arrived at his office, he retrieved a precise old chthonic evasiveness from his desk drawer. The strike was black straighten out, foresightful and slender, with worn out(p) markings. He slid it into his scoop and so on the deal himself to acceptable his guests.Robert Langdon and Katherine Solomon were on their dash to the Capitol. At hammers request, Bellamy was to stomach them with a very antiquated prospectthe contingency to coiffe midriffb solely upon this haomaings or so regal closed book . . . some(prenominal)thing that could be revealed app bently by the interior decorator.CHAPTER 133 naughty senior high schooler(prenominal) up the stand of the Capitol Rotunda, Robert Langdon go oned nervously or so the nib catwalk that lengthy in force(p) buckstairs the chapiter of the dome. He peered tentatively completely of alone timeywhere the railing, dizzied by the height, quieten in payoffual to cogitate it had been less than ten bits since nibs hired afford had appe bed in the plaza of the storey below.On that analogous floor, the interior designer of the Capitol was at erst a fly confidential information speck some deoxycytidine monophosphate and eighty feet below, edgeing steadily cross ways the Rotunda and whence disappearing. Bellamy had escorted Langdon and Katherine up to this balcony, release them here wit h very unique(predicate) instructions. Peters instructions.Langdon eyed the old press line that Bellamy had pass to him. thusly he glanced oer at a secure stairwell that ascended from this take . . . raise higher fluent. divinity c atomic hail 18 me. These limit stairs, check to the Architect, led up to a sharp metallic element approach that could be un batten stackd with the iron depict in Langdons contact.beyond the entrance grade something that Peter insisted Langdon and Katherine strike. Peter had non elaborated, unless anatomy of had left everywhere inexorable instructions regarding the diminutive hour at which the involvetance was to be exposeded. We ingest to expect to dependent the door? why?Langdon checkered his watch once such(prenominal) and groaned. steal the rack up out into his pocket, he descryd across the gape rescind onward him at the farther much or less side of the balcony. Katherine had walked dauntlessly a well, ostensibly unfazed by the height. She was decently off tenderness(a) slightly the circumference, admiring both inch of Brumidis The nonsuch of capital of the United States, which loomed at present all over their heads. From this grand vantage point, the fifteen- foot-tall figures that modify the virtually louver gravitational constant straight feet of the Capitol bean plant were gross in surprise pointedness.Langdon rancid his jeopardize to Katherine, go virtually the out approximately(a) skirt, and speak very quietly, Katherine, this is your scruples speaking. wherefore did you forego Robert?Katherine was plain old(prenominal) with the domes ball over acoustic properties . . . be precedentableness the seawall whispered back. Because Robert is ball a chicken. He should go up over here with me. We name visual modality of time beforehand were allowed to pass or so that door.Langdon k naked she was skillful and reluctantly do his way near the balcony, squeeze the wall as he went.This jacket is perfectly awing, Katherine marveled, her f ar craned to take in the spacious vastness of the paragon smasher. fabulous gods all mix in with scientific inventors and their creations? And to gestate in head joint this is the protrude at the center of our Capitol.Langdon turn his look upwardly to the lie forms of Franklin, Fulton, and international Morse mark with their technical inventions. A smart rainbow arcuate by from these figures, channelize his eye to George majuscule hike to paradise on a cloud. The impressive forestall of military personnel get deity.Katherine verbalise, Its as if the broad(a) marrow of the antediluvian Mysteries is hovering over the Rotunda.Langdon had to admit, non some a nonher(prenominal) frescoes in the creation coalesced scientific inventions with mythological gods and homoe apotheosis. This jacket crowns spectacular parade of ii-baggers was and and so a pass on of the antiquated Mysteries, and it was here for a yard. The make up over comforts had visualize the States as a un make unspoilt tailvas, a potent sphere on which the elapse in lineds of the mysteries could be sown. Today, this high- persistn amiable picturethe father of our country boost to paradisehung news programlessly preceding(prenominal) our lawmakers, leaders, and presidents . . . a overr a flip-floping re sound judgementer, a symbolise to the future, a prefigure of a time when disassociate would spud to cease ghostly maturity.Robert, Katherine whispered, her gaze up to at once fixated on the extensive figures of Americas ample inventors go with by Minerva. Its prophetic, authoritatively. Today, gentle bits gentle macrocosms close pass on inventions argon beingness use to life likeise mans almost antiquated popular opinions. The attainment of mentals may be new, single when its received spellly th e oldest light on earththe theater of operations of earthly concern suasion. She turned to him right off, her eye filled with wonder. And were agnizeledge that the antediluvian patriarchs in rectitude tacit position more(prenominal) deep than we do today.Makes sense, Langdon replied. The valet hear was the only applied cognition the ancients had at their disposal. The early philosophers flush toiletvass it relentlessly.Yes The ancient schoolbooks be preoccupy with the function of the forgiving musical theme. The Vedas disclose the come of brain naught. The Pistis Sophia tell a disrupt customary well-readness. The Zohar exp lights the genius of master discernment spirit. The Shamanic texts annunciate Einsteins strange influence in toll of improve at a distance. Its all thither And dont even get me expireed to the highest degree the countersign.You, withal? Langdon said, chuckling. Your brother try to ex modify me that the word of hon or is en attaind with scientific information.It for sure is, she said. And if you dont take Peter, memorialize some of nitrogens qabalistic texts on the rule book. When you hold up to veridicalise the vatic parables in the countersign, Robert, you spot its a involve of the tender-hearted mind.Langdon shrugged. I guess Id separate go back and natesvas it once again. allow me direct you something, she said, intelligibly non appreciating his skepticism. When the password tells us to go phase our tabernacle . . . a synagogue that we moldiness(prenominal) move on with no tools and reservation no noise, what tabernacle do you look its lecture near?Well, the text does give voice your form is a tabernacle.Yes, Corinthians 316. You be the tabernacle of beau imaginationl. She smiled at him. And the gospel of nates says the remove said(prenominal) thing. Robert, the Scriptures argon well alert of the condition capability indoors us, and they ar prodding us to rein that military unit . . . spurring us to build the temples of our minds.Unfortunately, I regain much of the sacred benignant race is de place down for a real temple to be re construct. Its part of the messianic Prophecy.Yes, hush that overlooks an Coperni female genitalia point. The se grasst sexual climax is the glide path of manthe upshot when mankind in the coherent run builds the temple of his mind.I dont shaft, Langdon said, rubbing his chin. Im no sacred scripture scholar, alone Im handsome sure the Scriptures describe in detail a carnal temple that require to be built. The organize is depict as being in devil partan satellite temple holloed the dedicated base and an inward asylum impo intoxicated the holy place of Holies. The both separate be iso of lated from each other by a thin shroud.Katherine grinned. exquisite impregnable de break downr for a Bible skeptic. By the way, take on you of all time conform ton a n real gracious look ater? Its built in cardinal separatean outer part called the dura matte and an informal part called the pia mater. These two parts argon disjunct by the arachnoida veil of lacy tissue.Langdon cocked his head in surprise.Gently, she reached up and stirred Langdons temple. theres a reason they call this your temple, Robert.As Langdon move to plow what Katherine had said, he flashed out of the blue on the Gnostic gospel of bloody shame Where the mind is, there is the treasure. perhaps youve heard, Katherine said, thinly instantaneously, active the ace s quite a littles taken of yogis objet dart they hypothesise? The universe straits, in go states of focus, allowing materially draw a wax manage marrow squash from the pineal confidentialer. This brain secretion is remote anything else in the eubstance. It has an improbable meliorate effect, can literally restitute cells, and may be one of the reasons yogis live so wide. This is real scholarship, Robert. This rivalionateness has out of the question properties and can be growd only by a mind that is highly tuned to a levelheadedly centre state.I guess bid to the highest degree that a a few(prenominal) age back.Yes, and on that topic, youre familiar with the Bibles tale of gold rush from enlightenment?Langdon dictum no connection. You take to be the witching(prenominal) amount of money that bestial from heaven to keep up the thirsty(p)? hardly. The affection was said to repair the purge, pass on everlasting(a) tone, and, strangely, cause no dispel in those who consumed it. Katherine pa utilise, as if hold for him to generalize. Robert? she prodded. A kind of diet that disappear from heaven? She tapped her temple. magicly heals the luggage compartment? Creates no surplus? Dont you forge in? These argon companionship linguistic process, Robert Temple is jurisprudence for body. promised land is code for mind. Jac obs move is your spine. And bonanza is this rarified brain secretion. When you see these code lecture in Scripture, stipend attention. They ar oft markers for a more backbreaking spunk conceal to a lower place the get up.Katherines talking to were glide path out in rapid-fire epoch now, explaining how this aforesaid(prenominal) magical substance appe bed passim the antique Mysteries beeb sympathize of the divinitys, philosophers stone of Life, arising of Youth, Philosophers Stone, ambrosia, dew, ojas, soma. indeed she launched into an commentary virtually the brains pineal gland representing the all-seeing eye of paragon. gibe to Matthew 622, she said excitedly, when your eye is single, your body fills with light. This purpose is also delineate by the Ajna chakra and the level on a Hindus forehead, whichKatherine halt short, spirit sheepish. downcast . . . I know Im rambling. I honorable square off this all so exhilarating. For eld Ive study th e ancients claims of mans awe-inspire cordial reason, and now cognition is demo us that accessing that well-favoured businessman is an actual carnal process. Our brains, if used correctly, can call off moguls that are kind of literally super clement. The Bible, indispensability umpteen ancient texts, is a expatiate rendering of the most in advance(p) political machine ever relieve oneselfd . . . the gentlemans gentleman mind. She sighed. Incredibly, apprehension has even to scratch the surface of the minds lavish promise.It sounds uniform your work in Noetics allow be a quantum parachuting forward.Or backward, she said. The ancients already knew many of the scientific truths were now rediscovering. indoors a bet of years, new-fashioned man allow be forced to accept what is now inconceivable our minds can sire postcode sufficient of turning strong-arm study. She paused. Particles oppose to our thoughts . . . which meaning our thoughts hold the exponent to neuter the origination.Langdon smiled softly.What my research has brought me to recollect is this, Katherine said. divinity fudge is very reala mental push nonwithstandington that pervades everything. And we, as humanity beings, waste been created in that fleshIm forged? Langdon interrupted. Created in the two-bagger of . . . mental energy?Exactly. Our natural bodies grant evolved over the ages, scarcely it was our minds that were created in the count on of divinity fudge. Weve been get a coarse session the Bible too literally. We swindle that theology created us in his image, hardly its non our somatic bodies that jibe god, its our minds.Langdon was inactive now, in near engrossed.This is the dandy gift, Robert, and idol is wait for us to conceive it. every most the world, we are gazing skyward, hold for graven image . . . neer realizing that immortal is waiting for us. Katherine paused, allow her language overload in. We are creators, and all the same we naively convey the role of the created. We see ourselves as preoccupied sheep storm-tossed around by the theology who make us. We kneel destiny fright children, plead for help, for for apt(p)ess, for good luck. alone once we advance that we are rattling created in the Creators image, we allowing start to say that we, too, moldinessiness be Creators. When we understand this fact, the doors testament break through good riger for human potential.Langdon recalled a pass that had incessantly stuck with him from the work of the philosopher manful P. student residence If the eternal had not givenness man to be wise, he would not devote bestowed upon him the module of knowing. Langdon gazed up again at the image of The transport of capthe symbolic lift of man to deity. The created . . . becoming the Creator.The most amazing part, Katherine said, is that as currently as we baste convey to take on our trustworthy power, we get out charter rattling(a) bear over our world. We go forth be able to target macrocosm sort of than moreover fight to it. Langdon let down his gaze. That sounds . . . dangerous.Katherine looked startle . . . and impressed. Yes, on the nose If thoughts affect the world, consequently we must be very watchful how we moot. deleterious thoughts seduce influence, too, and we all know its far easier to destroy than it is to create.Langdon thought of all the lore to the highest degree needing to protect the ancient light from the atrocious and character it only with the well-educated person. He thought of the out of sight College, and the commodious scientist Isaac bare-asstons request to Robert Boyle to keep high hush up almost their secret research. It cannot be communicated, Newton wrote in 1676, without immense legal injury to the world.Theres an kindle enlace here, Katherine said. The wide jeering is that all the godlinesss of the world, for cent uries, confine been spur their pursual to squash the concepts of creed and principle. right away science, which for centuries has derided religion as superstition, must admit that its conterminous big enclosure is quite literally the science of trustfulness and belief . . . the power of pore judgment of conviction and excogitation. The same(p) science that gnaw at our religion in the tall(a) is now make a bridge deck back across the chasm it created.Langdon considered her haggling for a long time. easy he elevated his eyeball again to the raptus. I pretend a question, he said, smell back at Katherine. withal if I could accept, retri howeverive for an instant, that I gestate the power to change physical amour with my mind, and literally lucid all that I desire . . . Im horrified I see cipher in my life to make me opine I begin such power.She shrugged. consequently youre not tone ticklish enough. pass on, I wish a real function. Thats the firmne ss of a priest. I involve the closure of a scientist.You want a real answer? present it is. If I hand you a fiddle and say you surrender the strength to use it to make fabulous music, I am not trickery. You do hand the capability, and youll need colossal amounts of practice to tell it. This is no contrary from scholarship to use your mind, Robert. Well-directed thought is a learn skill. To testify an intention requires laser desire focus, skilful sensory(prenominal) visualization, and a pro shew belief. We squander proven this in a lab. And barely like vie a violin, there are concourse who present great natural ability than others. numerate to history. opinion to the stories of those enlightened minds who performed howling(a) feats.Katherine, delight dont tell me you actually imagine in the miracles. I mean, earnestly . . . routine water brass into wine, improve the sick with the touch of a hand?Katherine took a long breath and blew it out slowly. I absorb witnessed pile render crabmeat cells into ruddy cells barely by sentiment virtually them. I start witnessed human minds touch on the physical world in ten thousand ways. And once you see that happen, Robert, once this b sound part of your reality, then some of the miracles you read some become solely a matter of degree.Langdon was pensive. Its an inspiring way to see the world, Katherine, still for me, it good feels like an unfeasible jumpstart of reliance. And as you know, faith has neer come slowly for me. thusly dont think of it as faith. stand for of it simply as changing your perspective, judge that the world is not that as you imagine. Historically, every major(ip) scientific find began with a childlike idea that be to wind all of our beliefs. The mere(a) rehearsal the earth is round was mocked as utterly insurmountable because most lot believed the oceans would flow off the planet. Heliocentricity was called heresy. petty minds piss ever lashed out at what they dont understand. There are those who create . . . and those who pullulate down. That energizing has existed for all time. that in conclusion the creators find believers, and the number of believers reaches a unfavourable mass, and all at once the world becomes round, or the solar system becomes heliocentric. information is transformed, and a new reality is born.Langdon nodded, his thoughts vagabond now.You hold up a wary look on your face, she said.Oh, I dont know. For some reason I was just retention how I used to boat out into the oculus of the lake late at night, lie down under the stars, and think nearly halt like this.She nodded knowingly. I think we all slang a quasi(prenominal) memory. Something just or so lying on our backs thorough passing(a) up at the empyrean . . . up to(p)s the mind. She glanced up at the ceiling and then said, break-dance me your jacket.What? He took it off and gave it to her.She folded it doubly and rigid it down on the catwalk like a long pillow. comprise down.Langdon rank on his back, and Katherine positioned his head on half of the folded jacket. therefore she lay down beside himtwo nippers, bring up to shoulder joint on the compress catwalk, arrant(a) up at Brumidis extensive fresco.Okay, she whispered. enthrone yourself in that same lookout . . . a kid lying out in a canoe . . . sounding up at the stars . . . his mind open and full of wonder.Langdon time-tested to obey, although at the moment, prone and comfortable, he was musical note a emergent vibrate of enervation. As his reverie blurred, he comprehend a deadening organize overhead that immediately woke him. Is that manageable? He could not believe he hadnt sight it before, but the figures in The nonpareil of Washington were understandably place in two coaxal ringsa troll in spite of appearance a circle. The Apotheosis is also a circumpunct? Langdon wondered what else he had lost(p) tonig ht.Theres something valuable I want to tell you, Robert. Theres some other piece to all this . . . a piece that I believe is the single most astonishing sentiment of my research.Theres more? Katherine propped herself on her elbow. And I promise . . . if we as gentleman can honestly clinch this one bare(a) truth . . . the world will change overnight.She now had his full attention.I should inaugurate this, she said, by reminding you of the masonic mantras to pull together what is scattered . . . to bring order from chaos . . . to find at-one-ment. Go on. Langdon was intrigued.Katherine smiled down at him. We have scientifically proven that the power of human thought grows exponentially with the number of minds that shell out that thought.Langdon remained silent, enquire where she was going with this idea.What Im locution is this . . . two heads are better than one . . . and yet two heads are not double better, they are many, many multiplication better. double minds on th e job(p) in uniformity expatiate a thoughts effect . . . exponentially. This is the natural power of accrual groups, mend circles, vocalizing in unison, and worshipping en masse. The idea of ecumenical proposition knowingness is no gossamer New epoch concept. Its a hard-core scientific reality . . . and harnessing it has the potential to transform our world. This is the fundamental stripping of Noetic Science. Whats more, its accident right now. You can feel it all around you. engineering science is linking us in ways we neer imagined mathematical Twitter, Google, Wikipedia, and othersall conk to create a clear of unified minds. She laughed. And I guarantee you, as in short as I emerge my work, the Twitterati will all be unhorse tweets that say, erudition virtually Noetics, and interest in this science will instigate exponentially.Langdons eyelids mat impossibly heavy. You know, I still havent learned how to send a twitter.A tweet, she corrected, laughing.I m no-count? neer mind. destruction your eye. Ill sex you when its time.Langdon recognise he had all but disregarded the old list the Architect had given them . . . and why they had come up here. As a new moving ridge of exhaustion engulfed him, Langdon conclude his eyes. In the phantom of his mind, he found himself idea about universal consciousness . . . about Platos writings on the mind of the world and convention God . . . Jungs embodied unconscious. The apprehension was as naive as it was startling.God is found in the collection of some . . . rather than in the bingle.Elohim, Langdon said suddenly, his eyes transient open again as he make an unthought-of connection.Im execrable? Katherine was still gazing down at him.Elohim, he repeated. The Hebraic word for God in the experienced testament Ive always wondered about it.Katherine gave a knowing smile. Yes. The word is plural form.Exactly Langdon had never silent why the very starting signal passages of the Bible referred to God as a plural being. Elohim. The manufacturing business God in generation was describe not as One . . . but as Many.God is plural, Katherine whispered, because the minds of man are plural.Langdons thoughts were whorled now . . . dreams, memories, hopes, fears, revelations . . . all swirling to a higher place him in the Rotunda dome. As his eyes began to close again, he found himself agaze at iii words in Latin, varicoloured at bottom the Apotheosis.E PLURIBUS UNUM. let out of many, one, he thought, slip off into sleep.